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Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app





























文鋒公務(wù)用車(chē)管理系統(tǒng)APP共分為: 申請(qǐng)用車(chē)、審核申請(qǐng),安排司機(jī)出車(chē)、司機(jī)出差送用車(chē)人、司機(jī)將用車(chē)人送回、司機(jī)歸隊(duì)、司機(jī)報(bào)銷(xiāo)途中費(fèi)用、月底公務(wù)用車(chē)租賃公司和用車(chē)人單位結(jié)算等九大步驟。


  • 1、在APP里填寫(xiě)用車(chē)人名稱(chēng)、電話(huà)(不填寫(xiě)則默認(rèn)申請(qǐng)人為用車(chē)人)
  • 2、選擇出發(fā)地、目的地
  • 3、選擇用車(chē)開(kāi)始時(shí)間、歸還時(shí)間
  • 4、選擇車(chē)輛類(lèi)型,如越野、轎車(chē)、商務(wù)、9座等新能源車(chē)或燃油車(chē)
  • 5、選擇是否帶司機(jī)
  • 6、填寫(xiě)用車(chē)備注,提交用車(chē)申請(qǐng)


  • 1、司機(jī)提交申請(qǐng)時(shí)1秒鐘內(nèi)同步流轉(zhuǎn)到辦公室主任APP
  • 2、在APP里查看和審批該申請(qǐng)
  • 3、如認(rèn)可該次申請(qǐng),點(diǎn)擊同意即可,可附加留言
  • 4、如不認(rèn)可則點(diǎn)擊拒絕并填寫(xiě)原因
  • 5、通過(guò)后該信息流轉(zhuǎn)到調(diào)度員APP端


  • 1、推送和短信通知調(diào)度員,在APP里查看和審批用車(chē)訂單
  • 2、如拒絕則需寫(xiě)上原因,以便申請(qǐng)人再申請(qǐng)
  • 3、如通過(guò)則選派車(chē)輛和司機(jī)
  • 4、如無(wú)該車(chē)型空閑車(chē)輛,可升級(jí)或降級(jí)查看其他車(chē)型可用車(chē)輛
  • 5、如無(wú)所選車(chē)型司機(jī),同樣可更換其他司機(jī)


  • 1、推送和短信通知司機(jī)在APP接收車(chē)隊(duì)分配的訂單
  • 2、根據(jù)用車(chē)時(shí)段,起、止地點(diǎn)等信息接受或拒絕
  • 3、司機(jī)拒絕時(shí)調(diào)度員可調(diào)換其他車(chē)輛或司機(jī)出車(chē)
  • 4、司機(jī)在約定時(shí)間前滑動(dòng)按鈕前往上車(chē)點(diǎn),到達(dá)后滑動(dòng)按鈕等待乘客上車(chē),上車(chē)后滑動(dòng)按鈕開(kāi)始行程,系統(tǒng)開(kāi)始計(jì)費(fèi)和里程數(shù)
  • 5、長(zhǎng)期出差司機(jī)停車(chē)休息時(shí)可關(guān)掉終端,系統(tǒng)停止記錄,重新開(kāi)車(chē)后系統(tǒng)繼續(xù)計(jì)費(fèi)
  • 6、出差完后司機(jī)將用車(chē)讓人送到約定的下車(chē)點(diǎn),滑動(dòng)按鈕結(jié)束此次訂單回車(chē)隊(duì)
  • 7、在回車(chē)隊(duì)的途中,用車(chē)人臨時(shí)需用車(chē)時(shí)司機(jī)可將兩次訂單合并后再去接送用車(chē)人
  • 8、出差中過(guò)橋過(guò)路住宿等票據(jù)在APP端申請(qǐng)報(bào)銷(xiāo)


  • 1、推送和短信通知財(cái)務(wù)員在APP上查看報(bào)銷(xiāo)申請(qǐng)
  • 2、根據(jù)申請(qǐng)里的車(chē)型、里程數(shù)、單價(jià)、起步價(jià)、票據(jù)照片等決定是否通過(guò)申請(qǐng)
  • 3、根據(jù)申請(qǐng)里的加油數(shù)量、地址、加油發(fā)票照片;過(guò)橋名稱(chēng)、時(shí)間、票據(jù)照片等決定是否通過(guò)申請(qǐng)
  • 4、拒絕申請(qǐng)需要填寫(xiě)原因,如超額或票據(jù)不清晰等,方便修改后再次申請(qǐng)
  • 5、通過(guò)申請(qǐng)后線(xiàn)上轉(zhuǎn)賬到申請(qǐng)人綁定的銀行卡號(hào)


  • 1、撥打機(jī)器人下單電話(huà)號(hào)碼
  • 2、在電話(huà)里說(shuō)出什么時(shí)間需要用什么車(chē)型去哪里
  • 3、機(jī)器人將此用車(chē)語(yǔ)音發(fā)送到車(chē)隊(duì)空閑司機(jī)
  • 4、半小時(shí)內(nèi)無(wú)司機(jī)接單,則撥打調(diào)度員電話(huà)播放該語(yǔ)音
  • 5、若有司機(jī)接單則將該司機(jī)及車(chē)輛信息用電話(huà)或短信通知用車(chē)人













Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

發(fā)布日期:2020-05-26   作者:文鋒科技
Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / online car-hailing app: 1、Map of online car-hailing APP auto positioning to current geographic location; 2、Display the nearby empty driving, online car-hailing and Ride-Hailing; 3、Drag the map, and the animated pin on the map will display the geographical location dragged to, and display the location and coordinates at the starting point of the order; 4、You can Choice of departure time on the online car-hailing APP; 5、Passengers and contact numbers can be set on the online car-hailing APP; 6、The number of passengers can be set on the online car-hailing APP;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app:
Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / online car-hailing app:
1、Map of online car-hailing APP auto positioning to current geographic location;
2、Display the nearby empty driving, online car-hailing and Ride-Hailing;
3、Drag the map, and the animated pin on the map will display the geographical location dragged to, and display the location and coordinates at the starting point of the order;
4、You can Choice of departure time on the online car-hailing APP;
5、Passengers and contact numbers can be set on the online car-hailing APP;
6、The number of passengers can be set on the online car-hailing APP;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

7、Click the place of termini, and the app will jump to the independent map page. You can drag the pin to the destination to get the name and coordinates of the place, or you can enter the place name to get the name and coordinates in the autofill, and then click OK to return to the order interface;
8、When you setting the departure and destination, the app automatically displays the models of online car hailing, Valet driving and tailwind car corresponding to the current category; each different model and person corresponds to different prices;
9、Click on the icon of the vehicle type or driving agent that meets the requirements, the app will automatically plan the driving route on the map, and estimate the driving time, distance and cost
10、After the approval of the passenger or owner, click to place an order, the app will pop up the water ripple effect and the 3-minute countdown sign, and start calling the nearby vehicle or Valet;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

11、During the call waiting process, the app will show how many drivers or agents have been notified this time, how many people have robbed the order, how many people have refused and how many people have failed to do so;
12、After the driver or driving agent successfully grabs the order, the app will display the driver‘s detailed information, including the number of times of receiving the order, star rating, license plate number, vehicle color, head image and telephone number;
13、When the driver starts to pick up the passengers, the app displays the animation of the current position of the driver and the path of the car moving;
14、After receiving the passenger, the driver starts to go to the destination. The app displays the current distance from the destination. The passenger can change the destination at will without the driver‘s consent. The destination of the order is changed to the newly modified destination synchronously;
15、After starting to go to the destination, the app will automatically start the journey recording function, and the words of passengers and drivers will be recorded and uploaded to the server;
16、In the process of starting to go to the destination, the system will collect the current coordinates to calculate the journey and cost;
17、After arriving at the destination, the driver will push the bill to the passenger. If there is a toll for crossing the bridge on the way, the driver can add the toll and push the bill to the passenger;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

18、Passengers can choose a variety of payment methods, including online payment, cash settlement, two-dimensional Ma payment, balance payment, coupon deduction and other five payment methods; which payment method to use depends on the choice of the driver when pushing the bill;
19、If it is cash payment and two-dimensional Code payment, no matter whether it is successful or not, the passenger side will not display the payment interface, and directly display the interface to evaluate the other side;
20、If the fee is not paid this time, the next time the passenger uses the app, the app will automatically pop up a reminder that the last order has not been paid, and the order can only be placed after the payment is completed;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

21、Passengers can also find the unpaid orders in the historical orders, click expand and then click the payment button to pay;
22、After the payment is completed, evaluate the other party, and the process is over.
23、After passing the real name certification, passengers can apply to become online car-Hailing drivers, drivers agent and ride-Hailing drivers;
24、Passengers can apply by submitting driving license, driving license, vehicle person vehicle integration photo and other information to apply for becoming an online car Hailing driver, an agent driver and a ride-Hailing drivers;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

25、Whether the background is approved or not, app will receive notification of push and message;
26、The app‘s message notification includes public messages, such as announcements and mass notifications, as well as private messages, such as audit results;
27、The online car-hailing and driving agent historical order system contains all the historical order data. You can view the start location, destination, travel time, estimated price, actual price, estimated kilometers, actual kilometers, whether it has been paid, and the evaluation of the other party;
28、Coupons Management: new people register coupons, recommend others to register coupons, the system randomly presents coupons, and drivers present coupons. You can check the coupon‘s face value, usage time, expiration, and add coupons;
29、Wallet management, wallet is mainly divided into two categories, one is the points, the other is the balance; the points category includes the points acquisition record and the points expenditure record; the balance category includes the balance expenditure record and the balance acquisition record;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

30、Cash management, when passengers bind Alipay, when the balance in the purse has a value, the application can be made for the balance. The result of the audit of the background financial personnel will be informed by the news. If the audit is approved, the passenger Alipay can receive the corresponding amount of withdrawals and transfers.
31、Security settings: you can add the name and phone number of emergency contact person; you can set the trip recording on protection; you can set the geographic location security settings protection;
32、Push message management: whether public messages or private messages are read or not, the unread messages are displayed in red, and the read messages are displayed in black;

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app Function list of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app: Call online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software

Source code of Beijing online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app

33、Customer service, you can call this customer service number when you need manual intervention;
34、Suggestion feedback and complaint function module, which can submit relevant feedback and complaint;
35、Real name authentication: apply for real name authentication to the system by submitting the name, front photo of ID card and back photo of ID card. Whether the authentication is passed or not can be pushed through the message to obtain the audit result;
36、Alipay account binding can bind the Alipay account that is used for withdrawals, provided that it is authenticated by real name first.
37、The mobile number of the recommender is set. After adding, the passenger or driver will get corresponding coupons or bonus points;
38、Can change the nickname, change the head picture in personal settings

All codes of online car-hailing APP / online car-hailing software / ride-hailing app are original ecological development,Intentional teleconnection: +8613521104099.


廈門(mén)公務(wù)車(chē)調(diào)度公務(wù)車(chē)用車(chē)申請(qǐng)小程序派車(chē)微信派車(chē)源碼 【主要功能】 通過(guò)接觸過(guò)很多甲方后,進(jìn)而了解到公務(wù)用車(chē)、公務(wù)車(chē)派車(chē)、公務(wù)車(chē)出行、小程序派車(chē)、微信派車(chē)系統(tǒng)的市場(chǎng)價(jià)極不透明,基本上都是看菜吃飯,同功能的軟件,不同的甲方、不同的售價(jià)。 文鋒科技研發(fā)的公務(wù)用車(chē)、公務(wù)車(chē)派車(chē)、公務(wù)車(chē)出行、小程序派車(chē)、微信派車(chē)系統(tǒng)的售價(jià)和市場(chǎng)同級(jí)別相比,基本上只是別家的二十分之一。 在相同功能模塊、相同配置、相同容量的前提下,如果有比文鋒科技的公務(wù)用車(chē)、公務(wù)車(chē)派車(chē)、公務(wù)車(chē)出行、小程序派車(chē)、微信派車(chē)系統(tǒng)售價(jià)高的,我們?nèi)客丝睢?/p>

2021-06-30 1107


大連公務(wù)車(chē)租賃小程序派車(chē)新能源綠色出行APP源碼 一、服務(wù)項(xiàng)目: 維護(hù)分為已開(kāi)發(fā)的功能在使用時(shí)遇到不同實(shí)際場(chǎng)景導(dǎo)致業(yè)務(wù)流沒(méi)法整走下去的bug的修復(fù);和遇到新的使用環(huán)境,為了讓整個(gè)業(yè)務(wù)流正常的走下去而做的新需求的增加或修改。 車(chē)輛調(diào)度員工作臺(tái)功能模塊后期維護(hù): 用戶(hù)注冊(cè)后期維護(hù):新增部門(mén)無(wú)法順利注冊(cè)bug檢查。 申請(qǐng)用車(chē)后期維護(hù):對(duì)原有字段進(jìn)行關(guān)聯(lián)、增添。 車(chē)輛選擇后期維護(hù):對(duì)車(chē)型增添、對(duì)車(chē)輛所屬進(jìn)行關(guān)聯(lián)。 待審批訂單后期維護(hù):對(duì)待審核訂單的做更進(jìn)一步的完善,比如添加審核人密碼輸入;對(duì)待審核訂單的關(guān)聯(lián)與流轉(zhuǎn)。 已審批訂單后期維護(hù):對(duì)已審核訂單的卡單、審核后通知不到相關(guān)人員等BUG的檢查;對(duì)已審核訂單補(bǔ)發(fā)信息的增加。

2021-07-09 1116


原生態(tài)開(kāi)發(fā)上海手機(jī)自動(dòng)派單公務(wù)用車(chē)平臺(tái)系統(tǒng) 文鋒科技的公務(wù)用車(chē)調(diào)度軟件主要分為以下幾個(gè)流程: 一、用車(chē)人流程:用車(chē)人使用終端在申請(qǐng)用車(chē)模塊里填寫(xiě)用車(chē)人名稱(chēng)、電hua,如果不填寫(xiě)則默認(rèn)用車(chē)人為申請(qǐng)人。選擇用車(chē)出發(fā)地、目的地,選擇用車(chē)開(kāi)始時(shí)間、歸還時(shí)間。選擇是否帶司機(jī),選擇新能源車(chē)型或傳統(tǒng)燃油車(chē)型,選擇車(chē)輛類(lèi)型,如越野車(chē)、轎車(chē)、商務(wù)車(chē)、9座車(chē)等。填寫(xiě)用車(chē)備注,比如同款車(chē)輛來(lái)四輛。 二、辦公室主任流程:辦公室主任在待審批訂單里查看和審批該申請(qǐng),通過(guò)之后該申請(qǐng)信息流轉(zhuǎn)公務(wù)用車(chē)租賃公司的調(diào)度員終端。

2022-04-01 1232


榆林市城際順風(fēng)車(chē)網(wǎng)約車(chē)網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)約出租車(chē)經(jīng)營(yíng)許可證轉(zhuǎn)讓 轉(zhuǎn)讓城際順風(fēng)車(chē)網(wǎng)約車(chē)網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)約出租車(chē)經(jīng)營(yíng)許可證牌照,目前市場(chǎng)行情的牌照價(jià)格為300-400萬(wàn)。 牌照目前剩余線(xiàn)下能力認(rèn)證未做,所以?xún)r(jià)格僅為100萬(wàn)。 通過(guò)變更公司法人的方式售賣(mài),與買(mǎi)家過(guò)戶(hù)公司法人完后,我們協(xié)助走完剩余2個(gè)步驟,直到拿到網(wǎng)約車(chē)經(jīng)營(yíng)許可證。

2022-07-09 1639


15、開(kāi)始開(kāi)往目的地后,APP自動(dòng)開(kāi)啟行程錄音功能,乘客和司機(jī)所說(shuō)的話(huà)均會(huì)錄音并上傳到服務(wù)器; 16、開(kāi)始前往目的地的過(guò)程中,系統(tǒng)會(huì)收集當(dāng)前的坐標(biāo),用來(lái)計(jì)算行程和費(fèi)用; 17、到達(dá)目的地后,司機(jī)會(huì)推送賬單給乘客,如果在行駛途中有過(guò)橋過(guò)路費(fèi)的產(chǎn)生,司機(jī)可以把此費(fèi)用添加進(jìn)去后再推送賬單給乘客; 18、乘客可以選擇多種支付方式,包括在線(xiàn)支付、現(xiàn)金結(jié)算、二維MA支付、余額支付、優(yōu)惠券抵扣等5種支付方式;使用哪種支付方式取決于司機(jī)推送賬單時(shí)的選擇; 19、如果是現(xiàn)金支付和二維MA支付,不論成功與否,(太原網(wǎng)約車(chē)APP/太原網(wǎng)約車(chē)軟件/太原打車(chē)APP)乘客端均不會(huì)顯示支付界面,直接顯示評(píng)價(jià)對(duì)方的界面; 20、如果此次費(fèi)用未支付,乘客下次使用該APP時(shí),APP會(huì)自動(dòng)彈出提醒上次訂單未支付,需要支付完成后才可以繼續(xù)下單; 21、(太原網(wǎng)約車(chē)APP/太原網(wǎng)約車(chē)軟件/太原打車(chē)APP)乘客也可以在歷史訂單里找到未支付的訂單,點(diǎn)擊展開(kāi)后再點(diǎn)支付按鈕即可進(jìn)行支付; 22、(太原網(wǎng)約車(chē)APP/太原網(wǎng)約車(chē)軟件/太原打車(chē)APP)支付完成后,評(píng)價(jià)對(duì)方,此次流程結(jié)束。

2020-05-11 741
免費(fèi)注冊(cè) 免費(fèi)咨詢(xún)